Exercise and Menopause
Menopause on DediKate
Kate is excited to have just completed the Fitness for Menopausal Women Course with A Life of Education! And she has just started another course to become a certified Women's Coach through Girls Gone Strong. This includes more literature on hormones and exercise, including menopause.
If you’re 35 years or older, you will love reading this information to help you to exercise in a way that is best suited to you, your body and your lifestyle through the 3 stages of menopause!
For information on exercise and menopause, head to the 'Guide To Working Out' section on DediKate. For more information on nutrition and menopause, contact Claire from Mission Nutrition at claire@missionnutrition.co.nz!
What is menopause?
Menopause is when your periods stop due to hormone levels lowering.
During perimenopause, your periods haven't stopped but you're experiencing some of the symptoms of menopause.
Menopause and perimenopause can cause symptoms like mood swings, sleeplessness, hot flushes and irregular periods. These symptoms can start years before your periods stop and carry on afterwards.
There are a number of ways in which menopause and perimenopause can affect your life, including relationships and your career.
The Three Stages of Menopause
Pre-Menopause – starts between 35 and 45 years of age.
Menopause – usually from around 45 years.
Post-Menopause – 1 year without a menstrual cycle.
Lifestyle changes to help
You can reduce symptoms of perimenopause and menopause by exercising, eating well and looking after your mental wellbeing!
Some common symptoms of menopause and perimenopause is mood swings, stress and irritability. To help ease these symptoms:
Get plenty of rest
Exercise regularly
Protect against weak bones through resistance training and using weights
The impacts of menopause and it’s stages differ from person and person, and we all have different life factors and pressures, injuries etc. Head to DediKate and 'Guide To Working Out' to find out more on how you can reduce menopause symptoms through exercise!
DediKate workouts are perfect as training doesn’t need to be longer than 30 minutes, it is multiplanar and includes compound exercise. HIIT workouts should be no longer than 30 minutes. We’ve got you!
Looking for more information on menopause and exercise?
On DediKate, you will find even more menopause info, recipes, tips and tricks, meal plans and ideas, DediKate Eat Great (nutrition chats) and more!
DediKate workouts are short and effective so you can easily fit them into your schedule, at home, or anywhere at any time.
At DediKate we focus on fitness, strength, nutrition, a positive mindset and how we FEEL. It's not about short term weight loss or fad diets, it's about long term success and getting the most out of life!
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